Enrol Your Child at Little Grasshoppers Childcare
Enrolment at each of our Little Grasshoppers Early Learning Centres is done through an online booking system on our website. You can do this by;
- Click enrol on the service you wish to register and complete the enrolment form.
- Tick that you agree to payment conditions. You will then be asked your preferred payment method – either Direct Debit or Credit Card and asked to complete the details as required.
- Once all details are complete, click submit at the bottom of the enrolment form.
- Once this information is submitted, it will be sent to the service for approval.
- Once your child is registered and accepted into one of our centres you will receive your individual login details for Hubworks via email. You can then update your enrolment details, check your past attendances, view fees charged, payments made, subsidy payments etc. Please sign the authorisation page, photography permission form, excursion authorisation form and return to the centre with a copy of your child’s Medicare immunisation schedule to complete the enrolment process.
You may be asked to provide the following information during the enrolment process:
- Child’s name, parent’s names, dates of birth, address and contact phone numbers.
- CRN reference for child and parent to link to childcare subsidy.
- Language spoken at home
- A minimum of two emergency contact phone numbers
- Access and custody details (if applicable). Copy of court orders must be supplied to centre
- Name and address in full of child’s doctor
- Details of allergies
- Immunisation details (Medicare immunisation register).
- Authorisation for the centre to seek emergency medical, hospital or ambulance services
Any queries, email enrolments@lgh.com.au or phone 0359780808 and select option 1. IMPORTANT: If any details change the centre must be notified immediately.

Parwan – Enrol Now
Request a Password from our Enrolment Team

Coolstores – Enrol Now
Request a Password from our Enrolment Team

Main Street – Enrol Now
Request a Password from our Enrolment Team

Eramosa – Enrol Now
Request a Password from our Enrolment Team

Mt Eliza – Enrol Now
Request a Password from our Enrolment Team