Didn’t get away this school holidays?
We’ve got you sorted!
If the weather’s got you down and the kids up in arms, here are some handy activities that our educators find just the ticket to travelling a smooth holiday at home.
Indoors & Out!
Obstacle courses are a treat for all ages. Kmart has some great options including these balance beams but if you want to keep the budget in line, try using pillows, dressing gown ties and hoola hoops to set up a jumping, hopping ‘lava’ layout for the littlies to traverse. Try timing them or letting them choose their own song to dance through the course.

When they’re ready for some quieter, less energised activity, turn your head to some Autumn Art.
Grab anything that can serve as a ‘Nature Bag’ and head out into the backyard, local park or for a wander around the block. You’ll be hard pressed not to find a coloured leaf or two, some sticks, perhaps a gumnut or other local flora that can all be brought home for artistic inspiration.
A piece of paper and some glue or tape along with a coloured Texta’s, pencils or crayons can transform a basket of fallen leaves into a fridge-worthy piece of art in no time at all.
Home Grown Art not your thing?
Pack a day bag and head out into the community. With so many offerings local to the Peninsula including The Big Goose, Boneo Discovery Park and the Moonlit Sanctuary you’re sure to find something that suits. For some further ideas and council offerings visit the Mornington Peninsula Council activities page – with The Briars, MPRG and local libraries all boasting holiday program activities for kids.
For a low-cost exercise, try some of the beautiful parks and gardens in your suburb. Or even your local shopping centre. With many offering some type of activity across at least a couple of days from face painting to animal farms and even toddler gymnastics you might even be able to sneak in a coffee or some retail therapy whilst they are happily ensconced in their pursuits!
So make the most of these holidays and rest in the knowledge that all time with their parents and carers is special to a child – even one activity a day can make memories to last a lifetime (and one less ‘muuuuum, I’m bored’!-😉).
And for those working from home or unable to secure leave (and your handy grey nomads have travelled north for the winter), if you’re looking for some extra help filling that day or two a week with educational and nurturing experiences for your children, we have limited places available across our 4 centres that might assist. Get in touch today!